Thursday, March 30, 2006

Able Baker Lily

Since Tom was born, I've been making a point to do special things with Lily that only big girls get to do. One of our favorite things to do together is bake, and I figured that she'd love to eat the cookies or muffins or whatever we make after they come out of the oven. But she really just wants to eat the dough. She gets mad when I "take it all" to put in the oven, and she needs a cooling off period herself after the treats are baked before she wants to eat them. After a while, the opportunity to eat sweets makes her foget how ticked off she was. Here she is sampling sugar cookie dough, which we shaped into hearts and studded with M&Ms. YUM! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

give me some indie rock boob...

here's tom in his first baby gift from kathy j, purchased at baby's first in utero concert last summer at meadowbrook. i think that lily's going to end up playing the drums, and maybe tom will be the quiet, pensive bass player like his dad. now we have to have one more kid so they can start a band together: lads &lasses, how does that sound? except that i'd make a terrible stage mother. Posted by Picasa

happy little man

here's a great closeup of tom's great big toothless grin. he started smiling a couple of weeks ago, but would only smile at mom, then grandma witten & uncle rick. matt was feeling pretty left out, sice as soon as he'd step in, hoping to see the smiles he'd heard so much about, tom would begin to look very concerned. i think he was suspicious and worried, in a "who are you and what have you done with my milk connection?" kind of way. over the last few days, matt's finally been getting some big goofball grins, too. he's been accepted into tom's club.

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